Merchant Card Services
- Provide additional payment options for your customers
- Accept major credit, debit and gift cards for increased versatility
- Boost your bottom line by making it easier for people to pay you
Merchant Card Services Details Remote Deposit Capture
- Deposit checks from the convenience of your office
- Utilizes a desk scanner and internet access
- Simply sign, scan, then send checks to the bank
Remote Deposit Capture Details Automated Clearing House (ACH) Services
- Conduct a number of outgoing payments 24/7, electronically
- Directly deposit employee payroll, make vendor payments, and more
- Schedule one-time or recurring outgoing payments
Automated Clearing House (ACH) Services Details Sweep Services
- Excess funds automatically swept to interest-bearing account overnight
- Funds automatically sweep back to checking account if needed
- Maximize all of your funds and increase profitability
Sweep Services Details